Wednesday, December 2, 2015

This is my new idea!

Hello, my peoples!  I don't have much to say today, other than the fact that I'm sick of my NaNoWriMo novel, so I'm starting a new one.  I don't really know what it's gonna be about, but I do know that I'm going to have a lot of different characters, and the POV is going to change every chapter.  These characters are mostly going to be 15 and 16 years old.  Leave me a comment with what you think it should be about!

Also, random question of the day:


  1. Hey my blog name is Memory Lane. Just happened on your site while joining the 31 day/500 word daily challenge w/Jeff Goins. You asked for an idea...Maybe the characters in your new novel could be a high school group of time travelers, popping in and out & that would make it interesting for your POV to change every month??? best of luck in whatever you decide on. Love your site!

    1. Ooh, that sounds cool! I might seriously write that! Thanks! I'll check out your blog!


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